The Non-Wandering Post

Greetings one and all. Meili here. Now you all know I am a wandering cat. My human and I have been to a lot of places, and, as I told you last week, we have recently moved from Oregon to New Jersey. That was a very long trip. Very. Long. With all that driving and the unpacking that goes with a move, my human and I didn't really feel a lot like venturing out this past weekend. Therefore, we didn't. That's right. No adventure this week. We just lounged around our new crib (is that still a cool word?), streamed shows on the computer, unpacked and made this place our new home. For some of us, that means making oneself comfortable. Obviously, I am very capable of doing just that. Anywhere. Literally. My human also made the place feel a bit like home. For her that means books, art and her crafts, which at the time being is loom knitting. She even made me a toy with her yarn. How thoughtful. I like my toy. ...