
The Non-Wandering Post

Greetings one and all. Meili here. Now you all know I am a wandering cat. My human and I have been to a lot of places, and, as I told you last week, we have recently moved from Oregon to New Jersey. That was a very long trip.   Very.   Long.  With all that driving and the unpacking that goes with a move, my human and I didn't really feel a lot like venturing out this past weekend. Therefore, we didn't. That's right. No adventure this week. We just lounged around our new crib (is that still a cool word?), streamed shows on the computer, unpacked and made this place our new home. For some of us, that means making oneself comfortable. Obviously, I am very capable of doing just that. Anywhere. Literally. My human also made the place feel a bit like home. For her that means books, art and her crafts, which at the time being is loom knitting. She even made me a toy with her yarn. How thoughtful. I like my toy. ...

Our Trip To A New Home

Greetings everyone. First I want to say I'M SORRY I MISSED LAST WEEK!!! However my human and I made a really big move. My human's job in Roseburg, Oregon finished and she had a new one waiting in Teterboro, New Jersey. Sooo, we headed cross country. I mean 6 days in the car. Seriously. SIX DAYS.  First we left Roseburg on April 1. We headed east across Oregon, past the Cascade Mountains and into the high desert. The humidity change was huge. It's called the high desert for a reason. Quite dry! We stopped at a quiet little rest stop on US Highway 20.   I'm not a big fan of rest stops, mostly because of all the moving cars and those giant monster trucks, but this was on a rural highway with little traffic, so, as rest stops go, this one was OK. It had a paved walkway for my human, and tall dried grass for me. I really like walking through tall grass. I could still hear some cars, so I decided to try and camouflage myself. ...

Discovery Garden

Greetings all. Meili here with another adventure. This week my human and I visited Discovery Garden. This is a small botanical garden in Roseburg, Oregon that is part of the horticultural school of Oregon State University. Even though it wasn't a big garden, it was a fun place to visit. They have a Japanese garden, a children's garden, an herb garden, a rock garden, a butterfly garden, a perennial garden, and a blooming garden.  We started in the Japanese Garden.   It had a lovely weeping evergreen. So very pretty. It had lichen growing on it that contrasted with the bark so well. There was also a stone bird bath,   but the birds here must already be clean, because I didn't see any at the bird bath. And I looked.   Oh, I looked. There were these lovely Japanese letters, but my human couldn't tell me what they said. They still made for lovely garden art. Plus they had a pretty little Jap...