Our Trip To A New Home

Greetings everyone. First I want to say I'M SORRY I MISSED LAST WEEK!!! However my human and I made a really big move. My human's job in Roseburg, Oregon finished and she had a new one waiting in Teterboro, New Jersey. Sooo, we headed cross country. I mean 6 days in the car. Seriously. SIX DAYS. 

First we left Roseburg on April 1. We headed east across Oregon, past the Cascade Mountains and into the high desert.

The humidity change was huge. It's called the high desert for a reason. Quite dry! We stopped at a quiet little rest stop on US Highway 20.


I'm not a big fan of rest stops, mostly because of all the moving cars and those giant monster trucks, but this was on a rural highway with little traffic, so, as rest stops go, this one was OK.

It had a paved walkway for my human,

and tall dried grass for me.

I really like walking through tall grass. I could still hear some cars, so I decided to try and camouflage myself.

I think I really pulled it off, don't you? After potty breaks and a short walk, we hit the road again.

We spent that first night in Twin Falls, Idaho. The second day we drove through the rest of Idaho, part of Utah, all of Wyoming, then stopped in Sidney, Nebraska. (We did make one stop at a Petsmart in Ogden, Utah to get out of the car and walk around. Pet supply stores are one place I can go to no matter the weather.)
This is the view from our hotel in Sidney. My human assured me that the lights were NOT an alien spaceship, but just the sun reflecting off a metal building. Not sure I believe her. Luckily we stayed safely indoors. Don't want those little green men probing me!!!

The room did have a cool ledge I really enjoyed sitting on. I look pretty cool, huh.

Day three we crossed the rest of Nebraska then down through Missouri to Kansas City. From there we turned east, stopping for the night in Columbia, Missouri. 

Day four we headed towards St Louis. My human use to live there, so she wanted to visit one of her favorite spots. That would be Sioux Passage Park. This is a county park right on the Missouri River. There is an island in the river there that is a nature preserve. No access except by boat. There is a place to park and watch the branch of the river that creates the island reconnect with the main river. Because this is a park and nature preserve, all you see is river and trees. So lovely.

From Sioux Passage Park, we drove 2 more hours to Carbondale, Illinois. That is my human's home base and where my extra human lives (my human's daughter).

That was the first 4 days of our trip. We got to spend 5 days in Carbondale, but my extra human has 2 big canines. One of them is ok, but one of them thinks I am his personal chew toy. Needless to say, we don't get along. For this reason, I spent most if our time there locked up in a small bedroom. BORING! 

We did get to go to the Crab Orchard Nature Reserve. I've told you about this place before, but we visited it again just to get me out of the house. I did enjoy getting away from those canines and getting out in nature. The lake was beautiful


and there were some lovely booming trees. There was an apple tree.

 And redbuds that were especially pretty.

Alas, the time came for my human and me to hit the road again. So on Friday, April 9, we headed out for New Jersey. No major stops on this trip. Mostly we both were sick of being in the car and just wanted to get there. We did stop in Kent, Ohio for the night, and then arrived in Secaucus, New Jersey Saturday night. Six days in the car, five days in a tiny bedroom, but we went from coast to coast.
                                 The front of my human's car. Just look at all those bugs! Ugh!!!

We have a room with a kitchen, and enough floor space for me to run around. Plus a view of the Hackensack River and the Meadowlands Sports Park. Nice.

So, for a while, I will be visiting places here on the east coast. I am so excited for new adventures. Can't wait to see what New Jersey has in store. Till next time, keep wandering my friends, keep wandering.


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